23-26 August 2016
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow,
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                           Poster presentations 


August 23, 2016, Tuesday




Welcome reception

August 24, 2016, Wednesday

Photoprocesses I (Chair: Kiyoshi Ueda)




Kevin Prince
Elettra, Trieste, Italy

Coherent control with fully coherent multicolor pulses


Michael Meyer

European XFEL, Hamburg, Germany

Atomic photoionization in intense XUV and optical fields


 Nicolas Douguet

 Drake University, Des Moines, USA

 Multi-photon two-color ionization of atoms and ions by femtosecond pulses


 Guiseppe Sansone
 Politecnico di Milano, Italy 

 Studies of electron correlation in photoionization of atoms and ions with large scale XUV facilities: FELs and  ELI - ALPS 

Coffee Break 10.40-11.10

Photoprocesses II (Chair: Alexander Dorn)


Tsukasa Takanashi
Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

Time-resolved measurement for ultrafast molecular dynamics of diiodomethane using X-ray free-electron laser from SACLA


 Zoltan Jurek
 DESY, CFEL, Germany

 Molecular dynamics modeling of FEL-irradiated fullerenes


 Kaoru Yamazaki
 Hokkaido University, Japan

Toward the Coulomb explosion imaging of nano-molecules: Capturing the photo-induced dynamics of C60 by an X-ray free electron laser


 Rebecca Boll
 DESY, Hamburg, Germany

 Molecular charge transfer dynamics initiated by intense X-ray pulses

Lunch (12.30-14.00)

Photoprocesses III (Chair: Maria-Novella Piancastelli)


 Marc Simon
 Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Université Paris 06,  France

Relaxation dynamics of core excited atoms and molecules probed by coincidences techniques and hard X-ray  photoelectron spectroscopy


 Tatiana Marchenko
 Sorbonne Universites, UPMC, CNRS, Paris, France

Electron and nuclear dynamics in deeply core-excited molecules


Gregor Hartmann
DESY, Hamburg, Germany

Observation of strong non-dipole effects in sequential multi-photon ionization using VUV FEL radiation

Coffee Break 15.10-15.40

Photoprocesses IV (Chair: Ugo Ancarani)


Bernard Piraux
 Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium

Laser-atom interactions: excited state population

trapping in the adiabatic regime


Kaoru Yamanouchi
The University of Tokyo, Japan

Laser assisted electron diffraction for femtosecond molecular imaging and electron behavior in the strong laser field


 Vladislav Serov
 Saratov State University, Russia

 Retroaction of a photoelectron in dissociative single photoionization of H2

17.00-18.30    Poster session

August 25, 2016, Thursday

Heavy particle collisions (Chair: Igor Bray)


Thomas Stöhlker
Helmholtz-Institut Jena and GSI Darmstadt, Germany

Electron capture in atomic scattering processes involving high-Z ions: The population of magnetic sublevels


Alisher Kadyrov
Curtin University, Perth, Australia

Rearrangement collision processes in proton and positron scattering


Markus Schöffler
University Frankfurt , Germany

Kinematically complete experiments on ion impact


 Yury Kozhedub
 Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

 Coupled-channel calculation of radiation processes in low-energy heavy ion-atom collisions

Coffee Break 10.40-11.10


In memory of Hans Kleinpoppen

(A. Grum-Grzhimailo, N. Kabachnik, K. Ueda, S. Samarin, K. Bartschat, M. Meyer, et al)


Roberto Rivarola
Instituto de Física Rosario, Argentina

Nanodosimetry in biological tissue interacting with ion beams

Lunch (12.30-14.00)

Attosecond physics and imaging I (Chair: Danielle Dowek)


 Renate Pazourek
 Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Attosecond chronoscopy of photoemission


 Pascal Salières
 CEA Saclay, France

 Watching the buildup of an autoionizing resonance on an attosecond timescale


 Markus Klinker
 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

 Mapping the dissociative ionization dynamics of molecular Nitrogen with attosecond time resolution


 Mathieu Gisselbrecht
 Lund University, Sweden

 Photoionization dynamics revisited at the attosecond timescale

Coffee Break 15.30-16.00

Attosecond physics and imaging II (Chair: Yuri Popov)


Masahiko Takahashi
Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

Progress towards time-resolved imaging of molecular orbitals and nuclear motions in momentum space


Andrew Bulychev
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia

Theory of laser-assisted (e, 2e) and (e, 3e) scattering on helium at large momentum transfer

16.50-18.30    Poster session

August 26, 2016, Friday

Electron collisions (Chair: Klaus Bartschat)


 Bratislav Marinković
 University of Belgrade, Serbia

 Electron spectroscopic studies of electron scattering by atoms and molecules


Oleg Zatsarinny 
Drake University, Des Moines, USA

Convergent B-spline pseudo-state close-coupling approach to electron-impact excitation and ionization of complex atoms


Claude Dal Cappello
 Universite de Lorraine, Metz, France

 Double ionization of atoms and molecules by electron impact

Coffee Break 10.30-11.00

Collisions with large molecules (Chair: Xiangjun Chen)


 Darryl Jones
 Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia

Electron impact ionization of large molecules


 Enliang Wang
 University of Science and Technology of China,  Hefei, China

 Fragmentation dynamics of multi-charged  molecules by electron impact


Lokesh Tribedi

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India

Electron emission from PAH molecules, fullerene and plasmon excitation


 Alicja Domaracka  

Caen,  France

Molecular growth processes in carbonaceous clusters induced by ion collisions

Lunch 12.30 – 14.00

Collisions with surfaces I (Chair: Jamal Berakdar)


 Frank Schumann
 MPI für Mikrostrukturphysik,  Halle, Germany  

 Energy relations of positron-electron pair  emission from surfaces


 Wolfgang Werner
 TU Wien, Austria

 Dynamics of secondary electron emission from surfaces by Secondary Electron-Electron Energy Loss Coincidence Spectroscopy (SE2ELCS)


Sergey Samari n
he University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia

Spin-polarized (e, 2e) spectroscopy of surfaces: symmetry consideration

Coffee Break 15.10-15.40

Collisions with surfaces II (Chair: Alexander Rakhimov)


Andrey Solov’yov
MBN Research Center, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Collisional processes with sensitizing nanoparticles



 Ekaterina Voronina
 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

 Fluorine atoms interaction with the nanoporous materials: Experiment and ab initio simulation

General  discussion and closing

19.00  Conference Dinner




A Single Atom Antenna

F. Trinter, J.B. Williams, M. Weller, M. Waitz, M. Pitzer, J. Voigtsberger, C. Schober, G. Kastirke,

C. Müller, C. Goihl, P. Burzynski, F. Wiegandt, R. Wallauer, A. Kalinin, L.Ph.H. Schmidt,

M.S. Schöffler, Y.-C. Chiang, K. Gokhberg, T. Jahnke, R. Dörner



Coherent Control of Atomic Dynamics by Non-classical Light

S.N. Balybin, O.V. Tikhonova



Shake transitions in photoionization of sodium excited by two lasers

M. Meyer, D. Cubaynes, E. Heinecke, P. Zimmermann, O.I. Zatsarinny, E.V. Gryzlova,

A.N. Grum-Grzhimailo



Scattering of Attosecond Electromagnetic Field Pulses by Multielectron Atoms

V.I. Matveev , D.N. Makarov



Elastic x-ray scattering by neutral atoms: Many-body and polarization phenomena

A. Surzhykov, V.A. Yerokhin, A.V. Volotka, Th. Stöhlker, S. Fritzsche



Angular streaking and sidebands in rotating terahertz and far-infrared fields

N.M. Kabachnik, A.V. Bozhevolnov, I.P. Sazhina, A.K. Kazansky



Ionisation of atomic hydrogen studied by means of the separable potential model

A. Galstyan, Yu.V. Popov, F. Mota-Furtado, P. O'Mahony, N. Janssens, S. Jenkins,

O. Chuluunbaatar, B. Piraux



Benchmarking strong-field physics with atomic and molecular hydrogen

I.V. Litvinyuk, X. Wang, H. Xu, W. Wallace, C. Khurmi, D. Kielpinski, R.T. Sang



Photoionization of molecules: a Sturmian approach

C.M. Granados-Castro, L.U. Ancarani, G. Gasaneo, D.M. Mitnik



Diffraction effects in the Recoil-Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions of Fluoromethane

C. Bomme, A. Golovin, R. Boll, E. Savelyev, D. Anielski, B. Erk, S. Bari, J.S. Kienitz,

N.L.M. Müller, Th. Kierspel, J. Viefhaus, J. Küpper, D. Rolles



Molecular structure retrieval of benzene by laser induced electron diffraction

Y. Ito, C. Wangy, A.T. Le, M. Okunishi, D. Ding, C.D. Lin, K. Ueda



Femtosecond real-time study on nanoplasma formation in xenon cluster by XFEL pulses at SACLA

Y. Kumagai, H. Fukuzawa, K. Motomura, D. Iablonskyi, K. Nagaya, S. Wada, Y. Ito, T. Takanashi,

Y. Sakakibara, D. You, T. Nishiyama, K. Asa, Y. Sato, M. Yao, T. Umemoto, K. Kariyazono,

E. Kukk, K. Koser, C. Nicolas, C. Miron, T. Asavei, L. Neagu, M. Schöffler, G. Kastirke, X.-J. Liu,

S. Owada, T. Katayama, T. Togashi, K. Tono, M. Yabashi, K. Gokhberg, A.I. Kuleff,

L.S. Cederbaum, K. Ueda



Absorption of ultrashort electromagnetic pulses of different shapes by metal clusters

V.A. Astapenko, S.V. Sakhno, T.K. Bergaliyev



An investigation of double photoionization in C60 using coincidence photoelectron spectroscopy

E. Sokell, P. Bolognesi, M. Schüler, Y. Pavlyukh, J. Berakdar, L. Avaldi



From plasmonic to particle excitations: A quantum scattering perspective

M. Schüler, Y. Pavlyukh, J. Berakdar



Photoionization of water molecules by attopulses assisted by near-infrared lasers

L. Martini, D.I.R. Boll, O.A. Fojón



Precision calculation of energy levels for Si I

R.T. Imanbaevaa, M.G. Kozlov, E.A. Konovalova



Photon, electron and final-ion-charge spectra upon the cascade decay of the states produced by photoionization of the neon atom

A.P. Chaynikov, A.G. Kochur, V.A.Yavna



Angular distribution and spin polarizationof Auger transitions of the Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe excited states

A.Yu. Elizarov, I.I. Tupitsyn



A molecular movie of Interatomic Coulombic Decay

F. Trinter, T. Miteva, M. Weller, S. Albrecht, A. Hartung, M. Richter, J. Williams, A. Gatton,

B. Gaire, T. Weber, J. Sartor, A. Landers, B. Berry, V. Stumpf, K. Gokhberg, R. Dörner, T. Jahnke



Many probe spectroscopy: multistep ultrafast dissociation of Cl 1s-1 core-hole states of HCl

O. Travnikova, T. Marchenko, G. Goldsztejn, K. Jänkälä, N. Sisourat, S. Carniato, R. Guillemin,

L. Journel, D. Céolin, R. Püttner, H. Iwayama, E. Shigemasa, M.N. Piancastelli, M. Simon



Development of Time-Resolved Electron Momentum Spectrometer in Hefei

Y. Tang, X. Shan, E. Wang, S. Niu, Z. Liu, X. Chen



Angle-dependent experimental study of state-to-state interference of autoionizing states of He

B. Paripás, B. Palásthy



Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo simulation of coincidence experiments in electron impact ionization of helium

B. Paripás, B. Palásthy, K. Tőkési



Resonance effects in near-threshold electron-impact excitation of the 143.4 nm line in the Pb+ ion

A.N. Gomonai, Yu.I. Hutych, A.I. Gomonai



Calculation of fully differential cross sections for the electron and positron impact ionization of nitrogen molecules

G. Purohit, P. Singh, C. Champion, Y. Azuma



Ionization of atoms and molecules by electron impact: Contribution of postcollision interactions and distortion effects

S. Houamer, M. Chinoune, C. Dal Cappello, A. Galstyan



Five-fold differential cross sections for the double ionization of thymine by fast electrons

A. Mansouri, C. Dal Cappello, M.F. Khelladi



Simultaneous ionization-excitation of helium by high energy electron impact

A.I. Gómez, G. Gasaneo, D.M. Mitnik, M.J. Ambrosio, L.U. Ancarani



Including the electron-electron interaction in the Quasi Sturmian basis for the two-electron continuum

A.S. Zaytsev, L.U. Ancarani, S.A. Zaytsev



Electron impact ionization of small molecules: a Sturmian approach

C.M. Granados-Castro, L.U. Ancarani



Differential cross section for atomic ionization determined through the Bohm's velocity

J.M. Randazzo, L U. Ancarani, F.D. Colavecchia



A multiple scattering approach to (e-, 2e-) spectroscopy

R. Choubisa, D. Sébilleau, J. Xu, C.R. Natoli



Fast electron impact ionization of O2: observation of interference effect

M. Roy Chowdhury, C.R. Stia, O.A. Fojón, R.D. Rivarola, L.C. Tribedi



Fragmentation dynamics of multi-charged NF3 by electron impact

E. Wang, Z. Shen, M. Gong, X. Shan, X. Chen



Fragmentation of CO2 2+ in collisions with low energy electrons

X. Wang, Y. Zhang, B. Wei, D. Lu, G.C. Lu, R. Hutton, Y. Zou



Observation of Two Interatomic Relaxation Mechanisms in Argon Dimer Induced by Electron Ionization

X. Ren, E.J. Al Maalouf, S. Denifl, A. Dorn



Electron-Collision Induced Ionization and Fragmentation of Hydrated Biomolecule Clusters

X. Ren, A. Dorn



Angular and energy distributions of secondary electrons ejected from methane molecules by electron-induced collisions

Z.N. Ozer, C. Champion, M. Yavuz, M. Dogan



Double differential cross sections for intermediate energy electrons emitted in the ionization of ammonia molecule by electron impact

Z.N. Ozer, C. Champion, M. Dogan



Electron impact double ionization of water molecule

D. Oubaziz, C. Champion, M.A. Quinto, Z. Aitelhadieli



Electron-induced double ionization of oriented hydrogen sulfide molecules

N. Imadouchene, H. Aouchiche, C. Champion



Electron-induced double ionization of CH4: target orientation dependence of the fivefold differential cross sections

Z. Aitelhadieli, M.A. Quinto, C. Champion, S. Kessal, D. Oubaziz



CELLDOSE: a Monte Carlo code for electron-tracking in biological matter. Applications in targeted radiotherapy

C. Champion, C. Morgat, M.A. Quinto, P. Zanotti-Fregonara, E. Hindié



TILDA-V: A full-differential code for proton tracking in biological matter

C. Champion, M.A. Quinto, J.M. Monti, P.F. Weck, O.A. Fojón, J. Hanssen, R.D. Rivarola



Water versus DNA: a new deal for proton transport modeling in biological matter

C. Champion, M.A. Quinto, J.M. Monti, P.F. Weck, O.A. Fojón, J. Hanssen, R.D. Rivarola



Double ionization of helium by 6 MeV protons

E. L. Gaggioli, M.J. Ambrosio, D.M. Mitnik, L.U. Ancaraniz, G. Gasaneo



Coupled-channel calculations of differential ionization cross sections: Application to antiproton-hydrogen collisions

A. I. Bondarev, I.I. Tupitsyn, Y.S. Kozhedub, G. Plunieny, V.M. Shabaev



Polarization Correction in the Theory of Energy Losses by Heavy Ions

V.I. Matveev, D.N. Makarov



Resonant atom-atom and atom-ion collisional processes in confined quantum gases

V.S. Melezhik



Three-body fragmentation dynamics of N2O induced by 56 keV/u Ne8+ collision

X. Shan, X. Zhao, X. Zhu, W. Feng, E. Wang, D. Guo, Y. Gao, Z. Shen, L. Chen, R. Zhang, S. Yan,

S. Xu, B. Hai, H.Wang, Z. Huang, X. Ma, X. Chen



Probing the geometry and fragmentation dynamics of Ar2N2 cluster

X.L. Zhu, S. Yan, W.F. Feng, D.L. Guo, S.F. Zhang, Y. Gao, R.T. Zhan, S. Xu, H.B. Wang,

Z.K. Huang, B. Hai, M. Zhang, Q.S. Zhao, D.M. Zhao, X. Ma



Coulomb Explosion of the Chiral Ethane Derivative Halothane

M. Pitzer, Ph. Burzinsky, G. Kastirke, M. Weller, M. Waitz, D Metz, J. Neff, T. Jahnke, R. Dörner,

M. Schöffler



Steering molecular fragmentation in PEPICO experiments

E. Kukk, E. Itälä, H. Levola, D.T. Ha, K. Kooser, J. Laksman, E. Rachlew



Vibrational Dynamics of N-methylacetamide in the Ground S0 and Lowest Excited S1 and T1 Electronic States

N.V. Tukachev, V.A. Bataev, I.A. Godunov



S1←S0 gas-phase absorption and fluorescence excitation spectra and structure of cyclopropanecarboxaldehyde in the S1 lowest excited singlet electronic state

R.V. Terentiev, I.A. Godunov, N.N. Yakovlev, D.V. Maslov, V.A. Bataev, A.V. Abramenkov



Double and single differential cross sections for liquid water ionization by fast electron impact

M.L. de Sanctis, M.-F. Politis, R. Vuilleumier, C. Stia, O. Fojón



The spectrum of cold nonlinear emission of electrons from the metal under the action the laser pulse

P.А. Golovinski, E.A. Mikhin



The explosion character of the photon-induced conductivity of the CdZnS thin films under pulsed excitation

T.L. Mayorova, V.G. Klyuev, A.I. Zvyagin



Luminescence of the crystal NaCl with nanoparticles Аg at laser excitation

I.E. Mytropolsky, V.V. Kuzma, A.N. Konoplyov



The study of the hyper-Raman scattering under two-photon excitation near resonance with excitonic states in A2B6 semiconductors

L.E. Semenova



Fragmentation and Sizes of Charged and Neutral Clusters During Ion Bombarding of Solids

V.I. Matveev, S.N. Kapustin



Ultrafast charge current generation and control in Carbon-based materials via optical vortices

J. Wätzel, A. Schäffer, M. Ingolt, J. Berakdar



Plasmon-assisted (e,2e) scattering from LiF film

S.N. Samarin, O.M. Artamonov, J.F. Williams



UV Photoabsorption for low-lying electronic states of silicon monoxide

A.A. Sycheva, A.P. Palov



Analysis of damage creation mechanism in silica-based materials during plasma etching

A.A. Sycheva, E.N. Voronina



Combined impact of low-energy protons and oxygen plasma on polyimide films

L.S. Novikov, E.N. Voronina, V.N. Chernik, L.A. Zhilyakov



Experimental and ab initio study of nitrogen atoms interaction with SiOCH low-k films

E.N. Voronina, Yu.A. Mankelevich, T.V. Rakhimova, A.P. Palov, D.V. Lopaev, S.M. Zyryanov,

A.I. Zotovich, M.R. Baklanov



Interaction of hyperthermal oxygen atoms with carbon nanostructures

E.N. Voronina, L.S. Novikov